Friday 19 April 2013


Is anyone surprised to hear the two Boston Marathon bombers were Chechens? 

After the two Rus-Chechen wars of the early 1990's, the West was only too eager to accept thousands of these types as 'refugees'. They went to Turkey, Germany and the USA. Now their kids turn 'jihadist'. Surprised? 

Not unless you are a fool deluded by lying multicultural rhetoric. Does any one bother asking: 'Why did the Rus make war on these peace-loving 
followers of the most peaceful religion?' 

Only the thickest of dopes would. But the countries of the West are overrun with them, betrayed by our own so-called 'democratic' governments. Whether they are fools or evil cynics, the result is the same. 

In 40 years there will be be no 'West'. Then hell will be on earth as the 'Others' battle it out for the scraps of our industriousness. They will be ruled by a merciless elite of aliens, dispassionately wiping them out at their whim. 

Pity? Remorse? They know nothing of these. Even today we see the results of our alien Masters rule. The many bank collapses and frauds: 1987, 1997, 2001, 2007 and even in Janus 2013 JP Morgan lost another US$6 billion. 

Oops! Anyone punished or held to account? No. Criminals rule us and their Masters rule them. Who will save us from this living nightmare? 


Why was Kevin Rudd's name used in an attempt to topple Julia Gillard on the second last day of the last Parliamentary sitting before a three-month recess? 

Simon Crean said Kevin approved the idea. Kevin said he did not. Julia wasted two days quelling a 'spill attempt' that was not. Why? 

Julia had only two remaining days to pass a new Media Bill tightening control on the Murdoch monopoly. That could not be allowed as Murdoch's virtual monopoly of TV, print and cable TV was the basis for his control of Australia politicians.  

Through this he is able to 'lever' open our vast resources for his true Masters in China. This 86 year old agent of Chinese influence is entirely under the thumb of his wife, Wendy Deng. 

This couple aim to hand all of Australia over to alien rule.